Friday, August 7, 2009

A Real American Hero

Koreans are really into cute things. Childlike imagery of puppies and sailboats and whatnot is everywhere. At the Science Museum (yes, I finally made it back!) there is evidence that Korean scientists have had a breakthrough in cute technology. They have crossed flowers with rainbows.

This week began with upset stomach and ended with brain hurt. The stomach made sense; anybody who spends a few weeks in another country eating unfamiliar food has a good chance of finding themselves checking the old porcelain seismograph. The brain was my fault, as I willingly attended a film screening of G.I. Joe. The movie felt like Novocain. As in, by the end I couldn't feel. I'm embarrassed that the nice people in Korea judge my culture by things like G.I. Joe. Then again, I'm giving them a chance to judge our culture by my karaoke attempts, and those are also pretty numbing.

I found myself in an tricky spot during my TOEFL intensive class this week. We've started using a nice CNN book and CD to extend the listening and vocabulary lessons, but during one story, the word sexy came up. Class of eight 13 year old boys.

Class: "Teacher, what is sexy?"

Me: "Well, it's an adjective that means someone or something has sex appeal."

Class: "Teacher, what is appeal?"

(See where this is going?)

Me: "Appeal is like attraction. Anything with a desirable quality can have appeal. For example, I ordered the beef today for lunch because it had an appealing aroma."

Class: "Teacher, what is sex?"

Me: "Sex is a synonym for gender. For example, a father's sex is male. A mother's sex is female."

Then one brilliant kid goes: "So sexy means being desirable to the other sex than you?"

Me: "Exactly!"

This worked out really well. I managed to provide the guys with a functional definition of "sexy" that didn't involve me saying things that would leave them giggling or crying. Interesting corollary to this story is that later that night I went dancing and heard the word again from a group of Korean girls who didn't look too much older than my class. They apparently also had a functional definition.


  1. working beef into your definition of sexy... i like it. no wonder you're a hit with the 14 year old girls. keep up the good work.

  2. Sure am enjoying this adventure from afar!

  3. Way to "mciver" yourself out of that one! Very sexy! xxxM
