Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This is my Kindergarten Christmas Play and yes, I realize those are not really Transformers costumes but we did the best we could

A Transformers Christmas Carol
Adapted by Matt
Based on the works of Charles Dickens and Hasbro.

Scrooge: A mean old man who only cares about building robots and making money
Cratchet: Scrooge’s poor computer engineer and a single father
Tiny Tim: Cratchet’s son. He has a handicapped leg and walks with a crutch
Transformer of Christmas Past: A fun and kind Transformer
Transformer of Christmas Present: A sweet and loving Transformer
Transformer of Christmas Future: A wise mysterious Transformer

Seoul, the year 2112

Scrooge sits at his desk writing. Cratchet sits at a computer typing and shivering. The three Transformer are lying on a table.

Scrooge: Hurry up Cratchet! We need to finish these robots by tomorrow.

Cratchet: I’m sorry Mr. Scrooge. It’s so cold in here my fingers can barely type.

Scrooge: You want me to waste money on heating? If you want it hot, go to Jeju-do!

Cratchet: But Mr. Scrooge, I never get a vacation.

Tiny Tim enters

Tiny Tim: Daddy! Merry Christmas Mr. Scrooge. Can you come home for dinner?

Cratchet: I have so much work to do.

Tiny Tim: But daddy, it is Christmas! Mr. Scrooge is so mean to make you work so late.

Cratchet: Tiny Tim, I am lucky to have a job in this tough economy. I will see you later tonight.

Tiny Tim leaves

Scrooge: So I suppose you want to leave early?

Cratchet: Oh please Mr. Scrooge!

Scrooge: NO! Get back to work.

After a moment the Transformers rise from the table

T-Past: Scrooge does not remember the true meaning of Christmas

T-Present: The Cratchet family knows what Christmas is really about.

T-Future: Scrooge will be sorry if he doesn’t change his ways.

T-Past: Look, they are almost finished with their work.

T-Present: Mr. Cratchet is leaving the factory.

T-Future: Scrooge is getting ready to go to sleep. He only cares for his work. Look how he sleeps on his desk.

As they say these things, Cratchet leaves and Scrooge curls up and goes to sleep on his desk

T-Past walks over to Scrooge. The other two Transformers leave.

T-Past: Wake up Mr. Scrooge!

Scrooge: What? Why are you still turned on?

T-Past: Mr. Scrooge, I am the Transfomer of Christmas Past. You have forgotten how important Christmas used to be to you. Look into the past…

A puppet show begins. As T-Past and Scrooge speak the puppets act out the scene.

Scrooge: Look, it’s me as a boy.

T-Past: Yes, you weren’t always so old and mean. This Christmas long ago saw you having fun.

Scrooge: I’m dancing. I look so happy.

T-Past: You were happy. You had friends because you were kind and gentle. What happened to you Mr. Scrooge?

Scrooge: I got serious. I started my own robot factory.

T-Past: But look at what you lost. Is it possible, Mr. Scrooge, to work hard without driving away everyone who ever cared about you?

Scrooge: I- I- I don’t know.

T-Past: Think about it Mr. Scrooge… Think about it…

Scrooge watches as the puppet friends slowly leave the puppet Scrooge. T-Past leaves and T-Present approaches him

T-Present: Merry Christmas Mr. Scrooge.

Scrooge: Did I leave another of you turned on?

T-Present: I am the Transformer of Christmas Present.

Scrooge: It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a Christmas present.

T-Present: The real Christmas present isn’t something that comes from a store Mr. Scrooge. It is something that comes from the heart. Look in on your computer engineer Cratchet and his family…

The Cratchets come out. They do not see or hear Scrooge and the Transformer.

Tiny Tim: Daddy, what a delicious Christmas pigeon you cooked!

Cratchet: Thank you Tiny Tim. We are lucky. Many families cannot afford Christmas dinner. We should be truly thankful for Mr. Scrooge and his kindness.

Scrooge: But I’m never kind to Cratchet!

T-Present: Perhaps to see kindness in others, one must have kindness in their own heart.

Tiny Tim: I love you Father.

T-Present: The Cratchets are poor yes, but they are rich in love. Something you should learn.

Scrooge: This is making me sad. I feel so ashamed.

T-Present: Think about it Mr. Scrooge… Think about it.

T-Present and the Cratchets leave. T-Future approaches Scrooge.

T-Future: Mr. Scrooge, I am the Transformer of Christmas Future.

Scrooge: No. No more. I can’t be reminded of how terrible I am.

T-Future: I am not here to remind you of anything Mr. Scrooge. I am here to give you a warning. Look before you…

Another puppet show has started. Old Scrooge puppet is alone while lots of friends all around are dancing and playing.

T-Future: You still have your work, you do not think you need friends, but one day you will have to retire. Without your factory to keep you busy, the loneliness will be terrible.

Scrooge: No, please no.

T-Future: Change your ways Mr. Scrooge, you can choose to keep your cruel ways and be alone, or you can choose to open your heart to the Christmas spirit.

Scrooge: I want to change, I want to change!

T-Future: Think about it Mr. Scrooge… Think about it.

Scrooge leaves the stage. The Cratchets enter.

Cratchet: Merry Christmas Tiny Tim

Tiny Tim: Oh boy, Christmas morning. Do I get any presents?

Cratchet: Well… no, I’m sorry Tiny Tim. We do not have any money.

Tiny Tim: It’s ok Dad. I’m just happy to have a day with you.

Scrooge enters with the three transformers carrying presents and food.

Scrooge: Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas!

Cratchet: Mr. Scrooge?

Tiny Tim: Transformers?

Scrooge: Here Tiny Tim, these presents are for you. Cratchet, I have something special for you…

Cratchet: What happened sir? Why all of this?

Scrooge: Let’s just say that my attitude about Christmas has transformed. I want you to take a 2 week vacation with your boy to Jeju-do, I’ll pay for the whole thing!

Cratchet: Wow Mr. Scrooge, I guess there’s more to you than meets the eye.

Scrooge: Transformers, roll out. And Merry Christmas!

Tiny Tim: God bless us, every one!

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