Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fancy New Apartment

At the crosswalk yesterday, I passed a man on a moped with an entire muffler and tailpipe from a car strapped to the back. His ghetto blaster, bungeed to the moped, was blasting country western. This is why I like to walk everywhere.

This weekend I moved into my apartment. I miss the Bobos, although the commute to work is now about a third of the time. Our neighborhood is called Baekjae Samgyetang, which has something to do with a really popular chicken soup place about a block from the flats. This is pretty much the equivalent of telling a cab driver back home to just drop you off at the Red Lobster. "No, seriously, I live right around the corner!" "Sure you do, pal. You live for those all you can eat popcorn shrimp."

My apartment can best be described as "college dorm minimalism". It is a perfectly pleasant one-room unit where the kitchen is the bedroom is the living room. Luckily the bathroom is its own enclosure, however the sink area, toilet area, and shower area are all one area. This Korean design is very practical. I spent most of Sunday decorating and arranging and I must say it already feels like home. Just a home without a bidet.


  1. Testing, Testing. I had to set up a Google Account to 'make comments' and my first attempt didn't go through. Wish me luck.
    Susan Biles

  2. It worked - here we go! I am living your experience vicariously and enjoying it more than actually being there. (It is not humid in Oregon, I am eating familiar foods and I sleep in a queen size bed). Keep up the great blogging. You go, boy!!
    Your Mom's friend,
    Susan Biles

  3. Hey Matt, Mark Stephens here.....sounds like things are going very well....tons of fun and adventures. I have enjoyed reading your posts.Keep it up
