Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Vacation Part II

For the second half of my holiday sabbatical, my parents came to Anyang to visit me. They arrived late and by the time they were transported from the airport and checked in at the Bobos Motel, it was hungry time. However after the half day of flying, my parents were unmotivated to make the journey toward one of my regular dining places. So we returned to a Korean BBQ joint I went to six months ago when I first arrived. Long time blog readers will remember me crying into my TOEFL study guide from the overwhelming spiciness.

So yeah, my folks' introduction to Korean food was some mysterious spicy chucks of stuff, likely squid based. The restaurant was packed, just like when I went there before. Apparently this place has got the market cornered on whatever it was we were eating and people flock.

Over the next several days, I toured my folks around Anyang and Seoul, stopping into a few favorite sites and sharing my terrible Korean speaking abilities. On Monday, the first day back from vacation, the parents came to school to meet some of my students. This day also happened to be the worst snow storm in seventy years, as was explained to me by a kindergartner who arrived half an hour late, on foot.

I was sorry to see my parents leave, but it would be just a few days before I saw them again, and my sister too, when MATT GOES TO SHANGHAI! Stay tuned...

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